
Veil can match any skin tone to completely cover tattoos. However, with a very limited budget, the challenge was to quickly increase awareness of the product and prove to a skeptical audience that it really does work.


To demonstrate Veil’s amazing ability we decided to cover up the most famous tattoos in the country – those belonging to Collingwood football star Dane Swan. Using Veil, Dane pranked his Collingwood teammates, who thought he must’ve undergone laser tattoo removal.

The footage aired exclusively on the Seven Network’s “Saturday Night Footy” program to an audience of over one million viewers, while the amazing before and after photos appeared exclusively in The Herald Sun, with the article also becoming the most viewed story on their website.

The stunt had an immediate effect, with Veil’s website traffic increasing by almost 400%, resulting in over a month’s worth of sales in just one weekend!
