What’s the time?
I get asked this question a lot. I find my answer varies depending on when I get asked.
Are you sure you don’t want more to eat?
I've been asked this one plenty of times by my mum.
You look too skinny - do you want to finish my meal as well?
Mum again.
How can we thank you for the wonderful work you have done for our brand?
Get this one from clients all the time. Look, I’m no hero - I’m just doing my job.
No seriously, you’re such a wonderful writer, how do you do it?
This one really gets tedious. I mean, shucks, enough already.
How have you not won the Nobel Prize for Advertising?
If I had a dollar for every time I heard this one…
You don’t really understand how FAQ sections work, do you?
I seem to be getting this question a lot more lately.
To be honest, this seems like it’s just a pathetic attempt to make you look good.
That’s not even a question, so who looks stupid now?
I think you look stupid - FA Q buddy.
Ok, this didn’t quite go as I’d planned…