Challenge: MINI wanted to advertise the MINI Cabrio in fashion magazines such as Marie Claire.

Solution: We decided to do our own fashion shoot – complete with tongue-in-cheek credits: Hair by MINI Cabrio.


Challenge: To cost-effectively launch MINI’s second-hand range – MINI Next. In doing so, we needed to be careful not to damage the premium and ‘in-demand’ perception of the brand.

Solution: Utilising retouched stock photography we created a tongue-in-cheek series of ads that suggested second-hand MINIs are practically an urban legend – but if you rush to your MINI dealer you may be lucky enough to find one. The campaign was an incredible success with some dealers reporting that they sold all of their second-hand stock in the week following the launch.

mini drive

Challenge: Launch MINI Drive - MINI’s corporate vehicle program.

Solution: Show how MINI Drive is the easy way to keep your team motorvated. To seal the deal, we even sent out some motivational posters with a fun MINI twist.

See the new mini

Challenge: Launch the new MINI range to design-obsessed readers of select art and architecture publications.

Solution: Highlight how the MINI’s design demands attention.


Challenge: Create excitement for the latest MINI with an outdoor campaign. The only problem: the new MINI was not very different from the old one. Somehow we needed to create talkability and make it feel like bigger news than it was.

Solution: We covered a billboard in a magic eye pattern that encouraged people to view the new MINI in 3D. Of course, the pattern didn’t actually work, even leading some people to comment online and call up radio stations asking if anyone could see the 3D car. After a week we secretly put a fibreglass model of the MINI (also covered in the magic eye pattern), creating the illusion that the magic eye pattern worked. Once again people rang radio stations and commented online, this time to say how the pattern worked and that they could see the MINI.


Challenge: MINI were launching MINI Park Lane and MINI Checkmate. Essentially they were identical to the regular MINI Cooper except that one featured sportier options and the other had more elegant styling.

Solution: We created a campaign that highlighted the elegant and sporty nature of the cars with the traditional MINI sense of fun. These ads ran as consecutive double-page spreads in several magazines, encouraging people to spot the differences between the two. (The ads also occasionally ran separately and, if you look closely, you’ll see I’m playing the policeman.)